Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)
SERVICES: Federal legislation protecting the rights of people with disabilities
800-514-0301 or 1-833-610-1264 (TTY)

Association On Aging and Developmental Disabilities
SERVICES: AADD's overarching goal is to prevent entry into unnecessary long-term care placement and premature death in individuals who are aging with developmental disabilities.
Phone: 314-647-8100
Fax: 314-647-8105
2385 Hampton Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63139

Easterseals Midwest
SERVICES: Autism services
918 Bernadette Drive, Columbia, MO 65203

Epilepsy Foundation of Missouri and Kansas
SERVICES: working to overcome the challenges of epilepsy – education and information

Handyman Solutions and The Aging In Place Store
SERVICES: Environmental modifications, adaptive equipment, Medicaid Waiver Home Modifications
113 Jaycee Dr. Suite 108, Jefferson City, MO 65109

Impact Magazine
SERVICES: Magazine containing strategies, research, and success stories in specific focus areas related to persons with intellectual, developmental, and other disabilities. It provides practical information useful to professionals, including educators, community service providers, policymakers, and advocates, as well as persons with disabilities and their families.

Midwest Special Needs Trust
SERVICES: Administering special needs trusts for people with disabilities
P.O. Box 7629, Columbia, MO 65205

Missouri Assistive Technology
SERVICES: Increase access to assistive technology for Missourians with all types of disabilities, of all ages. Device loans, demonstrations, Show Me Loans, Recycle and Reuse, Telecommunication Access Program (TAP), AT reimbursement for schools (ATR), Kids Assistive Technology (KAT), annual conference, training, iCanConnect (Deaf-Blind Equipment Distribution)
Voice: 800-647-8557 (in-state only) or 816-655-6700
TTY: 800-647-8558 (in-state only) or 816-655-6711
FAX: 816-655-6710
1501 NW Jefferson Street, Blue Springs, MO 64015

Missouri Department of Mental Health - Division of Developmental Disabilities
SERVICES: Webpage that has a wealth of information about resources available to Missourians who have intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Phone: 573-751-4054 or 800-207-9329
Fax: 573-751-9207
1706 East Elm Street, Jefferson City, MO 65101

Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council
SERVICES: Federally funded, 23-member, consumer-driven council appointed by the Governor. Its mandate under P.L. 106-402, the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act, is to assure that individuals with developmental disabilities and their families participate in the design of and have access to needed community services, individualized supports, and other forms of assistance that promote self-determination, independence, productivity, and integration in all aspects of community life.
800-500-7878 or 573-751-8611
1706 Elm Street, PO Box 687, Jefferson City, MO 65102

Missouri First Steps
SERVICES: Families with children, birth to three years of age, with disabilities or developmental delays

Missouri Protection and Advocacy
SERVICES: Protects the rights of people with disabilities by providing advocacy and legal services
TDD 1-800-735-2966
Missouri Social Security Administration
SERVICES: Disability and Social Security Benefits
129 Scott Station Road, Jefferson City, MO 65109

MPACT (Missouri Parents Act)
SERVICES: A statewide advocacy, information, and resource organization serving children with disabilities, their families, and consumers.

People First of Missouri
SERVICES: Self-advocacy organization that was formed by, is run by, and exists for people with developmental disabilities in the state of Missouri.

Services for Independent Living
SERVICES: Assistive technology, durable medical equipment, personal care services, aging in place services, transportation

Thompson Center for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders
SERVICES: Serving individuals affected by autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders
205 Portland Street, Columbia, MO 65201